
Circle Collection デザイン募集のお知らせ | The Announcement of Calling Designs for Circle Collection

Circle Collectionとは | What is the Circle Collection?

Circle Collectionは、学友会中央事務局調査企画部が毎年発行している、新入生向けの課外自主活動団体紹介冊子です。日英両言語で発行されています。2023年度発行のものは各キャンパスに配架されていますので、そちらをぜひご覧ください。

The Circle Collection is a booklet published annually by the Marketing Planning Department of the Central Administrative Office of the Student Union to introduce new students to extracurricular voluntary activities. The 2023 edition is available at each campus.

募集デザイン | Designs we are looking for

①Circle Collection表紙・裏表紙デザイン
②Circle Collection団体紹介BOXデザイン

We are looking for the following two types of designs.
①Circle Collection cover and back design
②Circle Collection organization BOX design
For details, please refer to the application guidelines below.

募集要項 | Application Guidlines


The following are the application guidelines. Please note that no reward will be given for this project. We are looking for applicants who are willing to cooperate with us.

【日本語】Circle Collectionデザイン募集要項【English】Circle Collection Design Application Guidlines

募集期間 | Application period


June 1, 2023 (Thursday) ~ July 31, 2023 (Monday) 23:59
If you wish to apply, please fill out the following form.

応募フォーム | Application Form

Please fill out the form below.

団体紹介BOX 応募フォーム
Orgnization Introduction BOX Application Form

表紙裏表紙 応募フォーム
Front and Back Covers Application Form