
2023年度秋季新規登録団体募集 一次審査結果公示

お世話になっております。学友会 中央事務局 調査企画部です。

2023年度秋季新規登録団体募集 一次審査の結果を公示いたします。

2023年度秋季新規登録団体 一次審査結果公示


This is Marketing Planning Department of RU Student Union Central Administrative Office.
We publicly announce the results of first Screening Result of the Examination for new affiliated organizations in the Fall of FY2023.
Please check the following file if you have applied.

The Result of first Screening(Japanese only)

※We will contact those organizations that have passed the initial screening separately by e-mail regarding the date and time of the second screening.
※We will not be able to answer any questions regarding the screening process.